Modern Ways of Celebration

E:欢春线上展春节的现代化与创新:现代社会对春节的影响,如看春晚、电子红包、网络拜年、春节旅游等 889-蓝三峰-畲家带货直播-中国a7996fca8b534a77b1b5c556b1b03c0a.jpg


A girl of ethnic group sells local agricultural products for Spring Festival through live-streaming in Jingning She autonomous county in Lishui, East China’s Zhejiang province. Photography by Lan Sanfeng

E:欢春线上展春节的现代化与创新:现代社会对春节的影响,如看春晚、电子红包、网络拜年、春节旅游等 8109-魏永广-妈妈给我的“线上过年饺子”-中国7538c8a4fafd4041ab029f08c45a9cf1.jpg


A mother feeds her son the “online home-made dumplings”, as her son is far away from his family during the Spring Festival. Photography by Wei Yongguang

E:欢春线上展春节的现代化与创新:现代社会对春节的影响,如看春晚、电子红包、网络拜年、春节旅游等 82915-耿洪杰-璀璨冰城贺新春-中国40f83f1b7deb4258b6f590547f7fd8be.jpg


People enjoy the Spring Festival in the iridescent winter wonderland – Harbin Ice and Snow World, which is a popular destination for New Year’s travel. Photography by Geng Hongjie


An extreme sports lover parachutes with New Year blessings in the sky. Photography by Tong Fei


Two elders send New Year’s greetings to their family members online, which is a popular way nowadays. Photography by Ye Huiling

E:欢春线上展春节的现代化与创新:现代社会对春节的影响,如看春晚、电子红包、网络拜年、春节旅游等 86352-鲍传远-《夕照樱花茶园》-中国.jpg


A cherry tea garden in Yongfu town, Zhangping city, Fujian province attracts countless visitors during the Spring Festival. Photography by Bao Chuanyuan

E:欢春线上展春节的现代化与创新:现代社会对春节的影响,如看春晚、电子红包、网络拜年、春节旅游等 8P2 快乐新年全家福 2018年春节全家来到深圳宝安海滨广场共庆新春.jpg


A family celebrates the new year with a trip at the Bao’an seaside plaza in Shenzhen. Photography by Liu Li

E:欢春线上展春节的现代化与创新:现代社会对春节的影响,如看春晚、电子红包、网络拜年、春节旅游等 8宋洪《节日手机拍》拍摄于甘肃卓尼县.13849297879.jpg


A festive scene is captured by a Tibetan girl by phone in Joni county, Gannan Tibet autonomous prefecture, Gansu province. Photography by Song Hong